PK Domain Whois

PK Domain Whois Lookup, Expiry Check, Ownership Information

If you want to register a new domain, then before registering your required domain name, you will need to find out that the domain name you are interested to buy is available or already registered. This purpose of checking the pk domain ownership can be performed on In the below domain search bar search your desired domain name, if the domain is available then you can go for registration steps. Otherwise you will have to check the ownership information of that PK Domain and you can even check the expiry date to know if that domain is about to expire in few days, and you have a chance to register the exipred domain. On our website we are providing free facility to check PK Domain Lookup for all Pakistani domain extensions to our clients. So you can check any domain to know when it is going to be expired or if it is available then you can register it before others. If you have any questions about checking PK Domain Whois you can contact our support team. You can also take advice regarding selecting a domain name for you company, business, organization or institution.

PK Domain Whois Lookup, PKNIC Name Availability Search

Find Whois, DNS Record of Current Domain Owner

Check Availability of Most Commonly Used Domain Names in Pakistan

Domain ExtensionRegistration PriceRenewalTransferValidity PeriodIntended UseOrder
.COM 1289 1289 1289 1 Year Commercial entities (worldwide) Check Availability .com
.NET 1289 1289 1289 1 Year Network infrastructure .net Check
.ORG 1289 1289 1289 1 Year Miscellaneous organizations Company .org
.BIZ 1289 1289 1289 1 Year Businesses .biz Finder
.INFO 1289 1289 1289 1 Year Informational sites .info Search
.PK 1999 1999 1999 2 Years General Business, or Individual .pk Names
.COM.PK 1999 1999 1999 2 Years General Business, or Individual Registrar
.EDU.PK 2499 2499 2499 2 Years Registered Educational Institutes Find
.NET.PK 1989 1289 1289 2 Years Network Related Business Purchase
.ORG.PK 1989 2499 2499 2 Years Non-profit Organizations Registry
.WEB.PK 1989 2499 2499 2 Years Websites Check Availability
.BIZ.PK 1989 2499 2499 2 Years General Business, Promotional Registration
.FAM.PK 1989 2499 2499 2 Years Family and Individuals Register
.GOV.PK 2499 2499 2499 2 Years For Government of Pakistan Domain Registration
.GOP.PK 2499 2499 2499 2 Years For Government of Punjab Buy
.GOS.PK 2499 2499 2499 2 Years For Government of Sindh Checker
.GOB.PK 2499 2499 2499 2 Years For Government of Baluchistan Names
.GOK.PK 2499 2499 2499 2 Years For Government of Karachi Name
.GKP.PK 2499 2499 2499 2 Years For Government of KPK Check
.GOG.PK 2499 2499 2499 2 Years Government of Gilgit Baltistan Finder

PK Domain Whois

It is very easy to check ownership of any domain now a days, on our website will be able to check PK Domain Whois of all .PK domain extenstions. PK Domain is one of the best and oldest PK domain name registration company in Pakistan. We have all the products related to pk domains and we provide quality services to everyone who is interested in purchasing a domain name for his busniess to give an online presence to target the local internet audiance. Today nobody can deny the importance of an online website. If you are a teacher, a scientist, a novelist, a blogger, a computer science student, a lawyer infact you are related to any profession. You definitely need an online plateform to promote your busniess progressively and compete with the people of same profession. Trend of ecommerce is increasingly significantly in Pakistan. People are earning a better living today even by giving tuitions online. So if you have not created a website yet, then it is the right time to buy one today and spread your message to the internet world. Now internet and websites have become the basic necessity, people prefer to order online rather than making a call.

Check .PK Whois Information

So the first step to create an online appearance is to choose a website name which suits best with your company. It can be your name, brand name, company name or any special or specific keywords related to your business and services. So when you have decided the right name for your business then you will need to check it online, to make sure it is available and is not already registered. So you can check on our website in above domain name check bar. Just enter the name and see if it is available or already registered. If it is available then you need to buy it as soon as possible. Because someone else can also purchase it. If you want to take advice from us that how a domain name should be. So our advice is, a domain should be small, to the point and easy to remember. We deal in all Pakistani country code domains and international gTLDs. You can order a domain name in any domain extension and avail our services today to promote your business in a more professional way.

pk domain whois

PK Domain Ownership Check

If you want to check the whois information of any already registered domain. Then too you can take our services and the procedure to check any pk domain lookup is simple. Just time the website name in above search bar and you will get complete detail about the ownership of that specific domain. In the whois information you can see the domain is registered by an individual or a company. What is the name of the person who has registered that specific .pk, etc domain. At what date that domain got registered and when it will get expire and will be available to general public. Once a domain is expired you can register it after the hold period if the original owner dont make the payment in the holding period. The process to check whois information of any PK domain is very simple. But still if you face any difficulty and want to get assistance from us. We are available to you 24/7 in all working days.

In a PK Whois report you can check the name, address, city and other valuable information like DNS records of a domain name. On our website you can check Whois information of all pakistani domains no matter what the cctld is, for example you can check domain name whois of all these extensions .pk,,,, You can also check whois information of second level TLDs or governmental ccTlds i.e,,,, etc. So check the Whois information of any Pakistani domain and register your favorite domain name with us today by looking it’s whois inofmation in above whois lookup bar. If you have any confusions or questions you can contact us from any part of country. Our support team is dedicated to help you regarding all issues of domain name registration in Pakistan.